Father’s Day Colors

Color Schemes
Father’s Day is a momentous occasion dedicated to the men who help shape our lives, and by extension the lives of societies around the world. For a Father’s day gift specifically crafted, leaning towards a particular color scheme is important to instill some harmony.
But where to start? Composing your own color palette is simple. Start by choosing an image such as a construction site scene. Pick the most dominant colors using a color picker.
Simple Sketches from A Select Color Palette

Colors Used
Using just the dominant colors opens up many opportunities for new designs.
These aren’t all the colors used in the following images, some are close approximations.Best Dad

By just using the colors we can find, we begin with this simple sketch. It can be printed onto a card and given to people.

Using only three colors, here’s another simple sketch of a man performing a workout.

Using a bit more color, this is a sketch of a plane flying across a field landscape.
These patterns can be used for a variety of things such as sublimating coasters.

These quick sketches demonstrate how messing around with colors can help produce a variety of artworks.
For Father’s Day, there are many kinds of gifts we can give in the form coasters, mugs, t-shirts, keychains, and more. Gifts are items that grow in sentimental value over time so take your time to pick the right kind of gift.